gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars


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unit patch January 30 2025
Name: Bryan W
Unit: 57th AHC '67-'68
Location: Ohio
Comment: TET 1968...never forget..

unit patch January 10 2025
Name: Bryan Waltz
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Ohio
Comment: Never forget.....Rest in Peace!

unit patch November 24 2024
Name: Jim carriere
Unit: 57th AHC Kontum
Location: Fargo Nd
Comment: The Hotel has been booked For Branson , Mo. for September 24-28 2025 MARK the date. RIP & Condolences to the Stan Steenbock family 🫡🇺🇸🫡

unit patch November 23 2024
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison, ND
Comment: Stanley Steenbock, CW2, Gladiator 27, 69-71, passed away last night. Another brother has made his final flight.

November 19 2024
Name: Jim carriere
Unit: Army (57th AHC)
Location: Fargo
Comment: Patty made up a reunion picture book for Gettysburg . It’s an excellent book of memories if I do say so and the cost $75 includes shipping . 12”x 12” make checks out to Patty Carriere. 2917 35 1/2 Court Ave. South Fargo , Nd 58104

September 03 2024
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57 AHC Jontum
Location: Fargo,Nd
Comment: Another successful yearly reunion 2024. This one in Gettysburg,Pa. Would like to thank all the gals for their organization skills, hospitality skills, and Espirt De Corp. You were wonderful! Libby Morris, Nanci Lippi, Vida Walls , Cindy Hedgley and Patty Carriere. So amazing. And Ken Walls for your contribution of being emcee , along with Gene Carpenter for the memorabilia ( great job), as it was such a collective effort and went off with very few flaws. It was voted by a show of hands that we hold the next reunion in BRANSON Mo. September is the target keep that month open. Libby Morris is in charge. We had 10 new attendees this year. Two of them were from my stint at the 57th AHC. Ken Wallace and Philip Gould both pilots and memories of some pretty risky times. We had member s bring their kids and grandkids which was precious. Touching another generation. Tim Thompson came representing Melvin Dye ( KIA) and he won the Joe Klein Cougar Gunship Art. Ironic as hell. Great to chat with him.Thank you all for coming..I couldn't be any prouder to have flown for any other company. We were an elite group of fly boys..and young and innocent we were. But courageous and daring! Like Ken Morrison ( pilot)stated in his poem after coming to the reunions.( we became young again) young brothers in arms. Survivors ...with stories of camaraderie. Thank you all for your help in putting up banners, bringing the original 57th AHC flag( Sid Chambers) clean up help, Go for help, br ...

August 24 2024
Name: John Holland
Unit: CCC, 5th Special Forces Group
Location: The Villages, FL
Comment: Just a shout out to the Gladiators of the 57th AHC from a man who spent some time on their ships and relied upon them to always try to pull us out of some desperate situations. They always showed up and they always tried. God Bless you all.

July 22 2024
Name: Mike Trulock
Unit: 4th Infantry, 52nd Security, K
Location: Fort Wayne, IN
Comment: I was reading the July|August DAV magazine and saw the Reunions page with the 57th AHC meeting Aug 28 - Sept 1. I was Security for that base from 9FEB70 - 21DEC70. WOW, that name 57th AHC brought back some memories. I never got to know any of the helicopter pilots, or crew chiefs or door gunners. We had our duties to perform and stayed in our groups. One of my security buddies did decide to be a door gunner. I know he made it back to the World. I've attached a few pictures from then. I'm sure your group has been sharing their own pictures. Blessings to all of you for what you went through every day after you left for your daily missions. I can only imagine!

unit patch July 17 2024
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Fargo,Nd
Comment: A heads up! We blocked of 45 rooms at a discounted rate. That block has been satisfied, meaning we as a reunion are not liable for empty rooms ,which can get expensive to pay for out of the funds. Remember the mail service is not as reliable as before. Examples: : last month Patty and I received in our mail, a forwarding expired from last years reunion invite. 1 year later. Sharon Pagan's invite and registration was not delivered to her.. She had to call in recently. We have a window of opportunity to meet for Caps, Tee-shirts ,and hotel discount . August 1 for registration at hotel. Registration forms for bus tours, meals etc. Thanks! Hope to see you all in August. Jim Carriere 57th AHC Crew-chief- Gunner Kontum 68-69

unit patch June 24 2024
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Fargo, Nd
Comment: Registrations are out, if you didn’t get one please request one. We need to have registrations in to schedule the amount of meals , hotel rooms to be blocked off and busses we need on the Gettysburg tours. So please have that in your considerations for the Ladies organizing the reunion. They worked very hard to bring this about to fruition. Thank you! Jim Carriere( CE/gunner) 68-69

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