gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars

Guestbook - Archive 2

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February 24 2015
Name: Dean Buden
Location: Plainville Ct.
Comment: nice site , good to still be alive

February 24 2015
Name: Dean Buden
Unit: 615 Main. Det. 11/67 to 4-5-
Location: Kontum
Comment: looking for Cary Fuller

unit patch February 19 2015
Name: Daniel L Vargo
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: United States
Comment: June 1, 1969 - July 13, 1970

unit patch February 17 2015
Name: Joe Billings
Unit: 57th
Comment: John Quinn passed away in June of 2004,

unit patch February 07 2015
Name: Frank Mason
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: current = montana
Comment: served proudly. great effort on site. many great people. wish the ARMY would give more assistance in personnel, dates, time.

unit patch February 06 2015
Name: Daniel L. Martinez
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Falls City, Texas
Comment: Found my Dad Daniel L. Martinez, on the roster, cant wait to tell him. He would love too see memories from his time serving. Thank You to all the members for your service.

February 03 2015
Name: David Kirschbaum
Unit: Recon Company, SOA (CCC) 5th S
Location: Kontum, Vietnam
Comment: Again I thank the Gladiators and Cougars for their support (1969-1970). They never EVER let us down. You can not imagine how wonderful one of your slicks looked, coming into a DZ (hot or not) to take us home. Or hovering up there, dropping strings, and just sitting there despite the green tracers .. boy howdy, donno how you did it. Salut!

unit patch January 28 2015
Name: Paul P. Stoddard
Unit: 189th AHC
Location: United States
Comment: I was assigned to the 57th Avn Co., when they formed the unit at Ft Bragg, NC. After the 57th arrived in VN, we were spread around the units.

unit patch January 20 2015
Name: Mark John Donahue
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Rochester NY
Comment: Hope to connect with men I am proud to say I served with 45 years ago.

unit patch January 14 2015
Name: Ken Walls
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Huntsville AL
Comment: Looking forward to meeting old friends and making new old friends at the next Reunion this August.

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