gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars

Guestbook - Archive 2

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unit patch July 02 2014
Name: Joe Billings
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Wauconda Illinois
Comment: nice site, Looking to see everyone next year in Tex. Just moved back to the states from Jamaica. Living in Sarasota FL.

unit patch June 30 2014
Name: Gary Hall
Unit: 189th
Location: Tacoma, WA
Comment: Just dropped in to see what the neighbors from 44 years ago were doing. Good Site.

June 22 2014
Name: Richard Gaurkee
Unit: 45th Med Company (Dustoff)
Location: Wichita Falls, TX (Cleburne, TX)
Comment: Just looking around

June 10 2014
Name: Bud \"Dizzy\" Dismang
Location: Jeffersonville, In
Comment: I have noticed that some of the entries in the guest book show the Gladiator Patch. Is that a special entry? Anyone who has pictures from the year 1969, I would be interested in seeing and getting copies. Most of my pictures were Mailed from Vietnam but never got to there destination in the states. Would appreciate. Can email me with comments. Thanks

Admin: If someone enters their unit as \"57th AHC\" or \"57th Assault Helicopter Co\" the small Gladiator patch appears automatically

unit patch June 10 2014
Name: Bud \"Dizzy\" Dismang
Unit: 57th AHC - Headquarters unit
Location: Jeffersonville, In
Comment: The new site looks great. Seeing the pics and names brings back memories of good and bad times. Served with 57th Dec 68 to Dec 69 as Flight Operations Spec in the TOC Bunker. Would be glad to hear from anyone who might remember me. Hope all are well and Welcome home.

May 29 2014
Name: Thomas Kerr
Comment: I see a few names on here that I remember, are there so few of us left. Gladiator 70-71.

unit patch May 28 2014
Name: Mike McMillan
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Attica
Comment: Site looks great, just saying hello to all my fellow Gladiators/Cougars Connie Pratt, email me or contact me I have info for you

May 28 2014
Name: Michael McMillan
Location: Attica, MI
Comment: Just saw the updated site and saying hello to all the Flt platoons and fellow gunnies.

May 27 2014
Name: Joanna White (John C. White)
Unit: 57thAHC Yellow flight
Location: Manchester, Michigan
Comment: I cannot forget how brave each of you were, serving your Country in that land we called Vietnam. The Friendships that we made with each other there... some to this day we renew, and others we pay homage to, on this Memorial Day 2014, for their ultimate sacrifice to Country and Company. May God bless them and us. I was known in those days as John C. white, flew with Yellow flight, 57th AHC Dec. 70 to Dec. 71. I send peace and my prayers to all of you my dear brothers. I will never forget you...

May 26 2014
Name: tim bryan
Location: ft. mccoy,fl.
Comment: Just remembering those I served with on this memorial Day. As spock would say live long and prosper.and forget not those left behind.

1st aviation patch
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