gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars


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September 26 2023
Name: Gary E wilson
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: RALEIGH,NC
Comment: I can't seems to find my name on roster list ,Gary E Wilson Kontum April 69 ,Nov.69 2nd FLIGHT PLTOON. Can someone help with that. Thanks Home state, Richmond Va.

unit patch September 15 2023
Name: Richard Berles
Unit: 57th
Location: Grand Rapids MI
Comment: Thanks for the info I got ahold of Steve Bosaw. Will see you in Alabama ldd of Steve Bosaw

unit patch August 30 2023
Name: Richard Berles
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Comment: Trying to contact Steve Bosaw. Armament 67-68 Can anyone help me out? Last I know he lived in Rockbridge, Illinois

unit patch August 15 2023
Name: Jim carriere
Unit: 57th AHC 68-69
Location: Fargo,Nd
Comment: Have 40-50 registration forms return because of addresses no longer applicable. If you have moved because of unexpected reasons and still need a registration form, let us know ASAP. Jim And Patty Carriere Treasure/ registration

unit patch July 22 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: GARRISON
Comment: Registration forms for the upcoming reunion will be going out in the mail next week. If you don't get one please contact Patty Carrier at or call her at 701-866-6091 or John Horton at 937-539-8752.

unit patch June 18 2023
Name: Jamea carriere
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Fargo,nd
Comment: The registration forms for the October 57th AHC reunion will be sent out, late June or in July, so reserve your Hotel Room in Enterprise ,Alabama early. So far I've collected about $300 in reunion dues. This year John Horton and wife are hosting the reunion and coordinating the 57th AHC reunion with the dedication of the 57th AHC Memorial , designed by Steve Hayduk, Joe Sottile, and associates. Commendations to those who have put forth such dedication and effort to these worthy endeavors ,that keep the Spirit of the Corp alive . Hope to see you all in October. Any questions you would have concerning the reunion, contact John Horton ,Patty Carriere or myself Jim Carriere. Any questions on the Memorial dedication contact Steve Hayduk or Joe Sotille . Thanks for your patience ! Treasure Jim Carriere 1968-1969 Kontum ,SVN Crew-chief Gunner

unit patch June 14 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: GARRISON
Comment: Got the following from Renee Lewis, wife of Clarence Lewis. Sending it out bulk email. I know some were not there at that time but sometimes stories and info gets passed around. If you can help them please contact them at: Sam, could you please distribute this question/situation to the roster for Clarence Lewis (57th, Nov ‘71-Sep ‘72). There was a Cobra shot down near the Bien Het Firebase. The front seater was killed and the back seater, a Captain, was seen getting out of the aircraft but was not found by US personnel. I was tasked with interviewing all witnesses involved in this incident. I audio taped the conversations that I later transcribed & submitted to the Company Commander. Unfortunately these tapes were stolen out of my vehicle many years ago. This Captain was later returned in 1973, after being a POW, to Hawaii with other former POWs. I cannot recall his name and unfortunately was unable to greet these men being repatriated. I am hoping someone knows his name and could say whether he is still among us. Thank you, Warrant Officer Clarence Lewis

unit patch March 14 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison
Comment: Received the following from Patty Carriere Just a quick correction: I was notified today that the code word for the hotel is “AHC”, not “Gladiator “. So when you make hotel reservations, please give the discount code as “AHC”. That is for the Hampton Inn in Enterprise, AL 334-347-5763

unit patch March 11 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison
Comment: Received the following from Patty Carriere Just a quick update. Plans are all set to have the banquet at the country club on Friday night, October 6th. Saturday morning will be the memorial dedication, followed by a luncheon at Fort Landing (officer’s club), and a stop at the museum. All of Saturday’s events are on an active base, so the plan is to bus everyone there as credentials are needed for access. This will be explained further on the registration form. The meeting will be held either Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Yet to be determined. I will be mailing “save the date” postcards. Not only does this help you with a reminder, but also helps keep the address list up to date. Look for registration forms to be mailed mid-July. Sam Moore Keeper of the Roster

unit patch March 09 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison
Comment: Received the following update from Patty Carriere The hotel just signed the contract today, so it may not quite be in their system. I suggest giving it a day. But kudos to you for being on top of it!! 😄 Still trying to establish the venue for the banquet. The venue John had picked is not available on Saturday, but it is on Friday so we may have the banquet Friday. There will be a memorial dedication, a luncheon and a stop at the museum, which is all on base. So pre-registration will be required as it is an active base. Today’s notice was a “save the date”. More info will be passed in as things are finalized. Thank you! We’re really looking forward to reconnecting with everyone! Patty

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