gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars


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December 25 2022
Name: Preston
Unit: 554th HR Red Horse
Location: Leland NC
Comment: My brother was a member of this unit . Clearance Lofton

unit patch December 12 2022
Name: jerry huffman
Unit: 57th ahc
Location: watauga tx 76148
Comment: merry christmas and happy new year

unit patch November 15 2022
Name: Joe Wilson
Unit: 189th AHC
Location: Henderson
Comment: The Special Operations Association has received information that John J. Billings has died. Please contact me, the Membership Committee Chairman, if this information is correct or not. Thanks.

unit patch October 22 2022
Name: James T Kearns
Unit: 57th
Location: Platteville
Comment: is there a reunion in 22?

unit patch September 12 2022
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57th AHC CE-Gunner
Location: Fargo,Noryh Dakota
Comment: For history documentation , I’m looking for information as to to what Doorgunner with the 57th AHC FOB incident on April 1,1969 when Alvin Gay’s helicopter went down. Tom Hestad AC Ernie Peoples Pilot Alvin Gay CE Gunner? If you might know of anyone that might know. Personally I only knew my own gunner. Mine was Tony Hernandez at the time. In the first platoon we pretty much in 1969 kept the same gunner. 2nd platoon 1968- switched off once in a while . I flew with Schindeldecker,Shei, Borchers, maybe others. Thanks for searching your memories.

unit patch July 25 2022
Name: Richard Berles
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Ravenna
Comment: Whats the latest on the reunion?

June 21 2022
Name: Jeff McIntyre
Unit: 109th air delivery 68-69
Location: Noxon Montana
Comment: Anyone knew John kammerer was a door gunner, lost contact

unit patch June 14 2022
Name: Ted Kearns
Unit: 57th
Location: Platteville wisconsin
Comment: Please get the reunion going. May be my last. Just had my first tour reunion and it was a blast. October 14 -16 is good with us. LAS VEGUS IS ALSO OK. wOULD DO IT OURSELVES BUT WE ARE 84 YEARS OLD. CANT CUT THE MUSTARD ANYMORE. tED AND hELEN kEARNS

May 28 2022
Name: Paul donnelly
Unit: 57 ahc
Location: Harmony ri
Comment: Hello came across your page my brother was in the 57 ahc 70-71 his name was Robert G Donnelly Passed away in 2010 . I was 12 yes old during his tour I remember it well I have several patches from 57 ahc God bless all the served.

unit patch May 10 2022
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Fargo,Nd
Comment: The Reunion is still on hold. Do not send reunion dues out. Hopefully we will decide what is going to happen with reunions from here on out, after all of this is resolved. Covid has been a big obstacle. Hope you can be patient and compassionate. Those past hosts I’m sure are up to hearing suggestions from any of the members. Jim and Patty Carriere 2019 Reunion Hosts

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