gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars


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unit patch March 09 2023
Name: Timothy L Bryan
Unit: 57th ahc
Location: Citra
Comment: I woke up this morning and had everyone on my mind and all I could think of is I hope everyone comes to know the lord Jesus as their personal savior. I would like to see your faces in heaven.

unit patch March 08 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison
Comment: I just spoke with John Horton. The hotel has been confirmed as follows: The Hampton Inn 8 West Point Court Enterprise, AL 36330 Phone: 334-347-5763 Rate is $104 + tax = $118.56 When booking use code “Gladiators” Rooms will be held until September 5. Thank you Sam Moore and John Horton for all your hard work!!

unit patch March 07 2023
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison
Comment: Received the following from Patty Carriere and am posting for all to see. So I can confirm through John Horton that the 57th reunion will be in Enterprise, AL October 5-8, 2023. He is still working on signing the hotel contract, which I expect will be done within 10 days or so. Would you please put out a notice on the website? I can do facebook site too if you want. But I thought I'd let you know. I know we talked about April, but the construction was iffy to whether or not it was going to be done on time. Well... at least ppl will have the dates for planning.

March 04 2023
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: Army 57th AHC
Location: North Dakota
Comment: Ronald J.Pilon says he can not register on the guest book. Anyone know why? He was with us 68-69 as a crew chief gunner slicks and gunships. Jim c

unit patch February 11 2023
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Fargo,Nd
Comment: Anyone know the phone number of SF Allan Swan, I would appreciate it. Email it to me. Jim C

January 20 2023
Name: Gary Bridges
Unit: Co A/227th Ist Cav
Location: Apollo Beach, Florida
Comment: I have written the series Undaunted Valor. Books 1-4 are currently in print. Book Five, Battle For An Loc is with the Editor and I am researching book six, Battle For Kontum. The 57th plays heavily in that battle along with the Pink Panthers. I would like to talk to anyone that flew at that time with the Gladiators and Cougars. Please contact me. I am including a chapter about James Hunsiker and crews actions and want to be sure I get it right. My email is as above or Thanks.

January 16 2023
Name: Patty Carriere
Unit: Spouse
Location: Fargo ND
Comment: I should have said… I don’t know how to delete previous note. So to clarify, John Horton is not intervening in the memorial at all. He is simply trying to coordinate the timing of the reunion with the memorial dedication. We may know by the end of the week. Sorry for the confusion.

January 16 2023
Name: Patty Carriere
Unit: Spouse
Location: Fargo ND
Comment: The lady that John is working with is married to the Commanding Officer General (sure hope I got that title correct!). So she is going to bug him about getting this patio done in a timely manner. Easter Sunday falls on the 9th, so we can rule out that weekend. As soon as we know, I will pass it on. I know it’s short notice! But it’s been far too long since we’ve all seen each other! More information to come later. Patty Carriere

January 16 2023
Name: Patty Carriere
Unit: Spouse
Location: Fargo, ND
Comment: I just spoke with John Horton from Ohio. He is trying to coordinate a reunion this April in Enterprise, AL which is right outside of Fort Rucker. I also spoke with Joe Sottile who said he they are shooting for the plaque to be done somewhere around April 1st. There are plans to make a patio with a couple benches in front of the plaque, so we’re just trying to get that done. I’m trying to keep everyone updated with John’s progress. He and computers don’t get along, so I’m playing liaison for that. So far, he has a hotel picked out with a hospitality room that will hold about 80 people. There is a second hotel across the parking lot that can handle any overflow, so no shortage of rooms. The date isn’t yet picked, but he’s planning on the Friday having a bus take everyone to the memorial for the dedication, followed by lunch at the officers club, and then a couple hours at the air museum that is right there. Since the base is active, we would need a list of full names of everyone on the bus. Saturday we will have a banquet at the brand new civic center that is just around the corner from the hotel. The local high school Junior ROTC would help with that. He’s hoping to get someone from the base to give a slide presentation on the trading that’s going on at the base now. I thought that would be really interesting. There is even somewhere in town that you can fly a simulator of the current air craft. The lady that John is working with i ...

unit patch January 10 2023
Name: Bryan
Unit: 57th AHC
Comment: Remembering... 10 JAN 1968

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