gladiator patch
team cougar patch
57th Assault Helicopter Co.
57th AHC
Gladiators - Cougars


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February 25 2022
Name: matt jackson
Unit: A/227th, 1st Cav
Location: Ruckin Florida
Comment: Writing a historical novel about the Easter Offensive 72. Would like to highlight the aircraft 69-15715 shot down on 4.24.72. Please contact me.

February 11 2022
Name: Jack Kull
Location: Fairfax, VA
Comment: Gentlemen: Trying to determine if any 57th slicks and/or guns were painted SEA camouflage. If so when? Many thanks Jack

unit patch January 28 2022
Name: Jim Carriere
Unit: 57th AHC kontum
Location: Fargo,Ndak
Comment: Joe Billings, Still are waiting on Sergio and Dianna to give the go ahead on the reunion to have it relocated in Las Vegas. Lots of complicated issues brought on by Covid. Hope you all will be patient with this process. Patty Carriere has contacted the Orleans Hotel for bookings in case Sergio and Dianna can not move forward with their obligations. So right now it’s up in the air. But the targeted date others had in mind, is ( October 14-16 ) which has been strongly suggested. Will keep you all in the loop. Jim Carriere 57th AHC C.E. Kontum The following have been notified on this tentative suggestion. Sam Moore Steve Hayduk Joe Billings John Horton Sergio Helm Dave Hickey

January 24 2022
Name: Joe Billings
Unit: 57 AHC 67 68
Location: North Port FL.
Comment: Is Sergio working on the reunion

unit patch January 10 2022
Name: Bryan
Unit: 57th AHC 67-68
Location: Ohio
Comment: Remembering 54 years ago...

unit patch November 05 2021
Name: Jim carriere
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Fargo,Nd
Comment: It beings me great sadness, to report that Jim Shei a Crewchief, and part of the Gladiator original party in 1967 has passed away. Jim was a 2nd platoon Crew-chief …and I his gunner. I inherited #264 and OJT’s into crewing #264 after Jim Shei Derosed . Bob Madich and I stopped by his home in Hanna Indiana on our way to our Niagara Falls Reunion . Jim and his family attended the 2019 reunion in Mpls. His family surprised him with driving him there. Prayers for his wife Sherry and the family. Jim Carriere Crewchief-gunner 68-69 Kontum,SVN

unit patch October 28 2021
Name: Samuel Moore
Unit: 57th AHC
Location: Garrison
Comment: I was contacted by Jim Carrier with the following suggestion/comment. A disclaimer - As the Keeper of the Roster I neither endorse nor reject this idea/information. I will send my thoughts to Jim directly as any other member should. I am just acting as a conduit between Jim and the membership. As I keep the roster I have the ability to do bulk email to everyone with an email address. Sending this out for Jim is my sole part of this endeavor. I of course would do the same for any other member with any other ideas. Please do not reply to me, think about what Jim has said and send him a reply at: Or, call him at (701) 239-9213 Sam Moore Keeper of the Roster Email #1 from Jim ---- A group of us attended the SOA( Special Operations Association ) reunion in Las Vegas, October 18-21. There were 7 SOA members from 57th AHC at the reunion. Six of us discussed having our reunions permanently in conjunction with the SOA reunions. This would benefit us in multiple ways. Flights would be less expensive, Hotel rooms could be blocked into the SOA reservations , and there is plenty of opportunities for entertainment and activities. So talk amongst yourselves concerning that idea and write back with your input. Also , those of you who flew FOB missions, I would suggest joining the SOA organization by going to their web-site and signing on. They hold their reunions every year. There is a $35 membership fee once a year. The reunions are ...

unit patch October 22 2021
Name: Jim carriere
Unit: 57th AHC 68-69
Location: Nd
Comment: There were 7 of the 57th AHC members at the SOA in Las Vegas. Had a great time. A very inexpensive venue. Had the privilege of talking to one or two of the Vietnamese Kingbee pilots and to thank him for rescuing me over there. He said, no..thank rescued me too! There were 6 of us who brought up the subject of piggy backing the 57th AHC with the SOA or SOG reunions permanently.. kick it around and talk about it. It’s less expensive concerning the issue of Hotels and Airfare. It’s an idea. Also want to say I was wrong about the issue of the location where #279 went down on April 7,1969 .Leghorn was further west..and where we went down was further east as I recall. North East of Ben Het. Even that I can not be sure that’s it’s exact.

October 10 2021
Name: bob fogg
Unit: 57th at ft.bragg
Location: new canaan
Comment: Today is the approximate date of my finally saying Good Bye to David Whitney and he sent me to go see John Goodfellow at my old barracks, because virtually everybody was on leave that night..John and I had supper in the next door Mess Hall, we finished and we then parted..54 crazy years ago..boy are we getting old..

September 23 2021
Name: Gary Bridges
Unit: A/227th, 1st Cav
Location: Apollo Beach Fl
Comment: I am researching for another book in the Undaunted Valor Series, Undaunted Valor Easter Offensive. I am looking to speak with anyone that flew in any capacity in this campaign in 1972. Please contact me at Thank you.

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